Call for Papers

We invite researchers, academics, and professionals from various fields to submit their original research articles, case studies, and literature reviews to be presented at CatCon 2023.

We welcome submissions on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to [list some broad topics]. We encourage papers that explore innovative and interdisciplinary approaches to address contemporary challenges in the relevant field(s).

All submissions will be reviewed by our distinguished editorial board and evaluated based on their originality, relevance, and contribution to the field. Accepted papers will be published in the CatCon 2023 proceedings/journal.

Submission guidelines

  • Papers should be submitted in [specified format] and should not exceed the word/page limit.
  • Authors should include a clear and concise abstract and a list of keywords.
  • All submissions should be original and not previously published or under review elsewhere.

We look forward to receiving your submissions and sharing your research with the academic community. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at