
Artificial Intelligence

  • “AI and the Fourth Industrial Revolution”

    Abstract: The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents a significant paradigm shift, driven by advancements in technology that are fundamentally altering the way we live, work, and interact. At the forefront of this revolution is Artificial Intelligence (AI), which has emerged as a transformative force, revolutionizing industries across the globe. This abstract provides an overview of AI's role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its profound impact on various sectors of society.

  • Ethics and Artificial Intelligence

    Abstract: As AI continues to advance, so do the ethical implications of its use. This session delves into the ethical considerations surrounding AI development, deployment, and impact on society, with a focus on responsible AI.

    • Lauren Foster's headshot
      Organizing Committee

      Owner of James Enterprises

    • Lauren Myers

      Manager of Myers Communications

    • Katie Rose's headshot

      Manager of Rose Communications

    • Michael Brown

      President of Brown Industries

    • Emily Green's headshot

      CEO of Green Investments

    • Isabella Cortez

      Director of Cortez Corp


  • “The Future of Robotics: Challenges and Opportunities”

    Abstract: The field of robotics has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, and its future holds immense promise for transforming various aspects of our lives. This abstract delves into the anticipated trajectory of robotics, exploring emerging technologies, the challenges they face, and the potential implications for society.


  • Blockchain and Decentralized Technologies

    Abstract: Blockchain and decentralized technologies have been disrupting industries and reshaping the way we handle data and transactions. This session explores the fundamentals of blockchain, its applications beyond cryptocurrencies, and the potential impact on various sectors.

    • Plenary Speaker

      CEO of Jaxon Enterprises

    • Lauren Foster's headshot
      Organizing Committee

      Owner of James Enterprises

    • David Baker's headshot

      CEO of Baker Investments

    • Isabella Cortez

      Director of Cortez Corp

    • Katie Rose's headshot

      Manager of Rose Communications

    • Lauren Foster's headshot

      Manager of Foster Communications