Justify Your Attendance


[Conference Name] is an annual event that brings together industry experts, technical professionals, and [Field] enthusiasts for an eventful week of learning, networking, and innovation. With over [number] industry speakers, [number] sessions, and [number] attendees, this conference is an ideal platform for anyone looking to stay updated with the latest trends and developments in the [type] industry.

Top Reasons to Attend

  • Publication
    • An opportunity to be published in IEEE Xplore, IEEE Society/Council Journals, and Open Access Journals. As well as be considered for a variety of conference awards.

    • An opportunity to gain new skills and knowledge from leading experts [field/industry].
    • Education Credits /Workshops/Tutorials
  • Network
    • Network with peers and top industry leaders
    • Create a group to share and collaborate on projects
  • Make Connections
    • Connect with potential business partners
    • Gain access to leads in the [field] industry
    • Recruiting /mentoring opportunities for Students and professionals

Determine Your Expenses

Explore the Costs for Attending

Registration fees

Learn more about registration for the [conference name], by visiting us here [link the word here] or contact our conference manager. Get detailed information regarding registration fees, available discounts, and payment methods.


[share cost by night]

Any available discounts or promotions

  • Student Travel Grant [hyperlink to full info]
  • Low and Lower-Middle-Income Countries [hyperlink to full info]
  • First-Time Participant [hyperlink to full info]
  • IEEE / Society Membership [hyperlink to full info]

Logistics Information

  • Conference location and venue
  • Transportation options
  • Accommodation recommendations
  • Share alternative attendance options

Tips on Justifying Your Attendance

Emphasize the benefits of attending [Conference] and how it will enable you to [insert benefits that have been listed above].

When discussing the [Conference Name] Conference with your manager, tie your career goals and future development to specific sessions and training opportunities or knowledge you need.

Commit to providing [insert takeaways from previous conferences or that coincide with the benefits listed].

Propose sharing conference knowledge with colleagues or providing training on best practices you learned at the conference.

  • [insert in bullet points what knowledge/training material they will gain]

Email Template:

Subject: Request to Attend [Insert Conference Name]

Dear [Manager's Name],

Hope this email finds you well. As you know, keeping up with research, industry trends, new technologies and expanding networks has become increasingly essential in [field/industry]. For this reason, I am proposing that I attend [conference name], being held [insert date and location].

[Insert Brief Explanation of the Conference Topic] is an essential aspect of our industry, and attending [conference name] would be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the latest trends and bring back valuable insights to our team to support our organization's objectives. Additionally, it will offer opportunities to network with peers and industry leaders and gain insights into new and innovative products and services that will benefit [organization name].

I have identified several key sessions that I will have the opportunity to attend during the conference:
[insert list of sessions or workshops you plan to attend]

While I understand that attending the conference would require an investment from the company, I would like to assure you that the benefits will be far-reaching. To give you an idea of the estimated expenses, here is a breakdown of the costs:
[Insert List of Expenses]

I believe that the benefits of attending this conference far outweigh the expenses, and I am willing to work with you to explore ways to minimize the cost and maximize the value to our company.

Thank you for considering my request, and I am available to discuss this further at your convenience.

[Your Name]